Tokwa at Baboy, (Pork and Tofu) is a traditional appetizer in most Filipino restaurants and most especially in places offering beer. Commonly composed of pork ears, chewy tofu, soy sauce, pork broth, vinegar and other spices.

Preparations for Tokwa at Baboy
1/4 kilo pork, preferably the ear and face part
2 big pieces tokwa or dry tofu
6 cloves garlic
5 whole peppercorns
1/4 cup vinegar
2 small onions
2 cups cooking oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, ground
1 teaspoon salt
Cooking Instructions:
Place the pork in a small pot or casserole and dispense in enough water to cover the pork. Add 3 cloves of garlic, 1 whole onion, the whole peppercorns and salt.
Bring to a boil floating off froth as it rises, then lower the heat and boil for about 1 hour. Take out the pork from the pot and let it cool. Drain liquid from and reserve 1/2 cup of the pork broth for the sauce. Heat the oil and fry the tokwa or dry tofu until golden brown on both sides in a small pan. Draw off the fried tokwa on paper towels and let it cool. Cut up the remaining onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Prepare the sauce by thoroughly combining the minced onion and garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, ground black pepper, and the reserved pork broth in a large bowl. Slice the pork and the tokwa into 1/2-inch cubes and mix with the sauce. Best paired with a bootle of beer or bowl of porridge.